

Ваша компанія?


місто Херсон
ул. Портовая 2-А, 2-А


АВ 547354
Ви можете відправити анкету всім крюінгам з нашого каталогу.

Загальна інформація

Our companies have improved system by careful selection of the candidates, many seamen work in our company for many years, started from ordinary seaman and at present moment working as masters on Belgium and Holland ship owner vessels.

Before proposing a candidate we attentively study his experience, check certificate of competency in State Register of Seafarers Documents of Ukraine , try always get appraisals about seaman from his previous contracts, check level of English and if level of English does not reply by the ship owners demands we direct them to English courses.

All seamen have minimum safe manning certificates which required. Our Agency can put the required seamen papers in order for entry to any country.

На карті відмічено розташування крюїнгу «Арктур» в місті Херсон.